Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Divergent is one of those books that changes lives. It changed mine. 

The first time I read it, I totally hated Tris for being such a little girl who depended of her parents at the begging and I though she was kidding herself and that in any moment she would get back to them. Then, I hated how they died, and how her brother was an ass, Christina a person who talks no caring about other people feelings. 

Later, I read it again. 

Have you notice how each one of the characters make an illusion of a virtue? How much each one the characters are leaving behind? And I'm not talking the abusive father Tobias had, or the incredibly boring life of Tris. I'm talking about how Tris left her safe place and comfy home, how Four left a great opportunity out of fear, how Christina left her entire life, just to try to be happy. 

After the second time I read divergent I fell so in love with it, I wanted to do the casting and play the role of Tris (that's stupid, I know). I loved her an admire her in so many ways, I still do. It became my bible. It became the book I returned to when I was sad, when I was angry or when I was lonely. It was everything. It still is. 

A lot of people haven't read because they are tired of the same dystopian book. Let me tell you, this is so no one of those books. In divergent they have a reason, a good and selfless reason for everything. Even bad people, with wrong ways, have good intentions. That's one of the things I love about this. I have read so many books where the villain wants power, wants revenge, wants to feel good. All we see here is "villains" who wants to protect the people, no matter what. 

There are so many things this books teach us. So many thins this book it's about. So many strong personalities that give you a little strength. So many chances. 

Well, yeah, I read and cry over the final book of divergent.

And I have so many mix feelings for it. 

The end of Allegiant, well, a great part of why I'm reading this is to know how I feel  about it. I finish it two weeks ago and since then I've been sad about it. 

Veronica killed my heroine, my idol. It's her character, yes, but it's so much more for me. 

I'm divided here in two sides:
1. The author of The fault in our stars is right, we should read stories that teach us reality, there are already enough fairy tale crab. 
Plus, it was a bit fantastic that Tris is the only person that can defeat serums, even if she could get through the death serum it will be incoherent for her to live. 
Also, her sacrifice teach us about real true love, teach us selflessness, teach us how to be true to our selfs. About forgiveness. In the case she wouldn't made the sacrifice, she wouldn't be the Beatrice Prior we fell in love with. She wouldn't be the person with deep thoughts that help us, at least me, to get through this shit that is called life. 

She wouldn't be the person I idolise, the person I want to be some day, and what I want to be is that person that fights for what she believes in, for the truth, for the path she must take, and for what it's best for everyone and is willing to take any risk to get it.

 I want to be strong, good, brave, smart, selfless. I want to be divergent.  I want to belong to those things I love. Those things I choose everyday to be part of. I want to be true to myself.  

She wouldn't be herself if she let Caleb die. She wouldn't be true to herself, or to anyone that loved her for what she was. 

And here I get into my next point:

2. Why, Veronica, you did that to Four? Honestly, I don't  think we had enough of her. I have been sad of her dead since I read it, I can't even read divergent stuff without feeling bad. Feeling wrong. We weren't ready for that.
And I know, I get it, it's your story, it's your characters, it's your decision. I just think it was so soon, maybe if you wrote another book, and let her die in the fourth book, I don't know. 

You wrote there an amazing, unbelievable , crazy, fun, honest character. You wrote someone in there, someone real, someone too perfect, even when her defects, to be real. She could be bigger.

What I know I wasn't ready for her to die, and I don't think the other readers, four or even you were. She was too perfect for that. To die so simply. To left him alone. To left them alone. 

I don't really want that you (If you could read this), or anyone feels like I'm criticising your work because that's not what I'm trying to do. I'm just trying to understand, and feel better to myself, and make someone to read this and tell me how they feel. 

Thank you, Veronica Roth, so much, for what you've give to us. You give more that I could ever ask for, it wasn't only a book, it was a ticket back to reality, to myself. For many reason I will not tell, you save my life with those books, with Tris and her ways living life, with Four and his strength. Thank you. 

Sorry for bad English xx